I'm Gustavo Decker
Developer, Project Manager and IT Consultant
- Age 33
- Address Guayaquil, Ecuador
- E-mail admin@gustavodecker.com
- Phone +593 98 838 9345
- Actual Job Backend Developer at Marqii
- Available
Hello! I’m Gustavo Decker. Scrum Product Owner Certified, IT Consultant and Full Stack Web Developer from Guayaquil, Ecuador. I was involved with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic web projects. With knowledge in some programming languages, including JavaScript, SQL/No-SQL, PHP, NodeJs, Angular, jQuery, REST APIs, Ionic Framework and other technologies and frameworks. Strong background in project management, agile methodologies and customer services.
I am working on different software projects, being part of all the roles in the cycle of development like backend developer, frontend developer, scrum master, scrum product owner, project manager, etc. Even working on customer service and sales of new Saas products.
Professional Skills
Our Services
UI/UX design, Site Architecture
Web Development
UI and UX design
SEO, e-mail Campaigns, Social Media
UI/UX design, Site Architecture
App Development
Android, iOS
Help Desk Implementations
Azure, AWS, Google Cloud
IT Integrations
Web & Mobile
Work Experience
My Clients

Happy Clients
keep clients happy
IT Projects
in the last 10 years
Websites Creates
per year
IT Courses approved
by now
My Interests
I am very passionate for the technologies, but I have other hobbies like
- Bicycling
- Watch Movies
- Skating
- Sports
- Go to the Beach
¿Cómo me puedo contactar contigo? / How can I contact you?
Puedes llenar el formulario de contacto, dejar tus datos y pronto me contactaré contigo. You can fill the contact form, put your contact info and I will contact you as soon as possible.¿Qué servicios de TI puedes asesorarme? / What IT Services can you advise me?
Servicios de software, desarrollo web y movil, infraestructura de TI, controles de acceso, marketing digital, CCTV, mesas de servicio de TI, metodologías ágiles, E-commerce, transformación digital, servicios cloud, reclutamiento de personal de TI, seguridad informática, gestión de proyectos de TI, canales electrónicos, pasarelas de pagos web, nuevas tecnologías, innovación, planificación estratégica de TI. Software services, web and mobile development, IT infrastructure, access controls, digital marketing, CCTV, IT service desk, agile methodologies, E-commerce, digital transformation, cloud services, IT staff recruitment, computer security, IT project management, electronic channels, web payment gateways, new technologies, innovation, IT strategic planning.
Availability Calendar
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Contact Us
Feel free to contact me
- E-mail admin@gustavodecker.com
- Phone +593 98 838 9345
- Skype gustav_dz
- Address Guayaquil, Ecuador, 090509